1 minute read

There are diverse kinds of note taking apps in the wild wild web. I’ve tried a few of them and I’ll be writing about my experience with them. I’ll also be writing about the one I’m currently using and why I think it’s the best for me (for now at least 🤧).


Now I know Notion is not a note taking app per se but it’s served me well in the past doing just that. It’s a great tool for organizing your thoughts and ideas. The main attraction for me was the cross platform functionality. I like taking my notes with me, no matter what device I’m on. But then again, I’m not a big fan of the web app, slow startup times (maybe it’s just my system 🤷🏾), not starting sometimes when there’s no connection, etc. Those are deal breakers, especially if you’re using it for so much more, project managment, scheduling , etc. It just has so much I was not using. So I decided to look for something else.

Sticky Notes

Yh so after notion, I decided to just go simple. No more fancy stuff, just note taking. And it worked 😁. Suprislingly, the notes were synced with my phone as long as I had the Office app on my phone. It was note even a feature I was looking for with this. Until the free storage on my onedrive ran out. I was not going to pay for more storage just for notes.


and so I went looking again.


And so I found a gem. Obsidian. Works with markdown, is cross platform and is free. I’ve been using it for a while now and I’m loving it. With every thing written in markdown, you can just use a github repo to backup everything. And there are loads of extensions for whatever features your weird, quirk self wants. A calendar, a kanban board, a pomodoro timer, etc. It’s just great. You could make it into a notion clone if you like. I’m not going to go into details about it, you can check it out for yourself.

Well that’s all folks. Have a great day. ✌🏾